The key Scrum team meetings

To carry out projects with the Scrum methodology, you must bear in mind that there are main meetings or ceremonies, aimed at controlling the work process, each one fundamental for the proper functioning of the methodology. Today we are sharing a summary about these key Scrum team meetings, associated with the sprints that are generated.
Sprint Planning
The Sprint Planning is a meeting that takes place at the beginning of each sprint, with the entire binding team. Usually the first part deals with what to run in the next sprint and the second part talks about how to do it.
It is used to review the Product Backlog and to choose the Product Backlog items that the development team will deal with during the next sprint. These items are the ones that will be part of the Sprint Backlog.
In short, Sprint Planning is done to find a beneficial balance between business and product development, taking priorities into account.
Daily Scrum
The Daily Scrum, better known as “the Daily”, is a daily meeting of approximately 15 minutes. The development team participates, responding to the following questions: the tasks carried out, the tasks to be carried out and the impediments to deliver in a timely manner, if any.
Sprint Review
The Sprint Review is the meeting that happens at the end of the sprint and serves to indicate the business strategy. During its execution, the development status is analyzed and the Product Backlog is updated considering any circumstance or condition that may influence the final result.
The product is shown working, while the interested parties ask the questions they deem appropriate. The development team comments on what has happened in the sprint and what obstacles have been encountered and the solutions selected.
Sprint Retrospective
The Sprint Retrospective happens right after the Sprint Review, at the end of the sprint. The objective is to reflect on the last sprint (identify both the successes and the failures) and specify how it can be improved for the next one.
To streamline the meeting, each member of the Scrum team could be asked to write notes that will be brought together later to define the most important items and get each member to speak and express what is relevant to them.
As you can see, the benefits of the key Scrum team meetings are to work on priorities, identify problems quickly, and have possible solutions to achieve the final product that is desired, in the estimated time.