Learn to manage several projects at the same time

It is true that to carry out several projects at the same time it is essential that each of them is well managed. If you are the manager or administrator of the projects, you should have an overview of all of them and talk to each project manager when something does not work. Likewise, you should always maintain a good organization and, for this, you should access a software that allows it. Today we tell you the keys for managing several projects at the same time.
10 keys to successfully managing several projects at the same time
- Grouping of projects. The best is that you are able to group the projects following a criterion according to your needs and preferences, namely: accounts with clients, areas or market niches. The main objective is to be able to identify the different groups of projects quickly and visually.
- Realistic and structured planning. Try to carry out planning in phases, stages and modules, each one made up of a certain number of sprints to be carried out. Each sprint aims to obtain a series of characteristics or tasks fulfilled in a certain period of time.
- Prioritization of critical or complex aspects. When planning, write down at first the most complex or critical aspects for each project, in order to minimize possible risks. The greatest danger is in achieving the most difficult objectives to understand and/or execute.
- Assignment of expiration dates. It is essential to limit the project in time. Assign a due date to each phase, stage and module, then you will decide the sprints that make up each delivery considering the agile principles. Adapt the dates to the type of project and needs; try to be realistic.
- Creation of a team. This is a key factor for success. When projects fail, it usually happens because they don’t have a well-communicated team. If you are the manager or administrator of all projects, you should give the team autonomy to make decisions regarding each project, that shows confidence.
- Participation and commitment of the team. Make sure that they are not only professionals in charge, but that it is a committed team that gives their opinion. You have to motivate the team to assume its responsibilities and be encouraged to participate.
- Assignment of a person responsible for control. Each project should have a person responsible for reviewing and controlling (project manager, scrum master, project leader, the name will depend on the methodology used). This person has to have a broader vision and be trained for the role.
- Assignment of a technical leader. If we talk about technological projects, it is advisable to have an architect or technical leader, a support figure for the rest of the team. He would be in charge of grounding the requirements and controlling the developers to ensure that the quality, architecture and technical decisions are adequate.
- Transparency and communication with the client. Establish as a rule total transparency and communication throughout the entire project. If there is a deviation, it is best to re-plan without wasting time and talk about it with the client, without hiding anything, to take action as soon as possible.
- Particular and general visibility until the end. Never lose visibility of each individual project (keep a roadmap handy) and all projects in general (have a high-level view). You should be able to see what phase each project is in and ask the client for feedback.
6 problems you should avoid
- Unrealistic planning. Pay special attention to avoid planning incorrectly and miscalculating delivery time. Do not create false expectations, adjusting to reality is a priority.
- Lack of clarity on roles or responsibilities. You need to set the tasks of each team member in the most detailed and delimited way possible.
- Poor communication between team members. Miscommunication is often related to a poorly led team.
- Lack of understanding. When the requirements are not understood or are confusing, you will have to work in stages and have meetings with clients to clear up all kinds of doubts.
- Distrust in the team. As a leader, you have to believe in the members of your team, trust that they are capable of carrying out the project. Otherwise, the team can get stressed and not respond as you expect.
- Lack of visibility. Throughout the project, you should be transparent with the client and tell them about the status of the projects, share progress, and show it to them as often as possible.
In short, managing several projects at the same time and being successful depends on the following concepts: efficient organization and planning, well-led and communicated team, and transparency of progress with the client. And if, in addition, we add an easy and intuitive management program, there will be little left to add. Try MyTaskPanel totally free.